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Ergonomically Correct, LLC: Resources (Tips for Healthy Living)

Benefits of Ergonomically Correct, LLC:

1. Individualized therapy and wellness programs
2. One client per hour
3. Holistic approach to recovery
4. Exercise based practice
5. Incorporate injury prevention techniques for long-term success
6. Sports specific training as needed

Tips for Healthy Living

1. Stretching daily
2. Cardiopulmonary training within an individualized target heart rate range
3. Eat a balanced diet with supplementation as needed
4. Strength training 3 to 4 times a week to prevent injury
5. Always use good posture
6. Relaxation exercises


For a consultation, please call us today at 443-433-0468!

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ERGONOMICALLY CORRECT, LLC • 205 Ridgely Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401
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