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holistic treatment
To motivate, educate, and empower our clients and the community to realize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Our Ergonomically Correct program incorporates physical therapy techniques, ergonomics, posture, cardiovascular conditioning, and injury prevention training. We also provide personal training, wellness evaluation and instruction.

Our goal is to treat you as well as your area of injury. We believe in improving your quality of life and teaching our patients how to minimize and prevent future injuries.

We have 30+ combined years of experience with patients of all ages, from adolescent through advanced age, with orthopedic and neurological injuries. We believe in a hands-on approach and exercise based therapy.

When you come to see us, you get a commitment from us to improve your overall health, and to work with any existing program you may have, to improve strength, range of motion, and cardiovascular health.

We offer a wide range of services from physical therapy to cranio-sacral therapy!

Feel free to navigate throughout our site to see if we are your solution to your current issues! Call today for a consultation at 443-433-0468!


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Link to Info for Cranio Sacral Therapy
Cranio-Sacral Therapy

ERGONOMICALLY CORRECT, LLC • 205 Ridgely Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401
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